The Best Tips for Surviving a Heatwave

Hi Everyone,

OK, it has finally happened – the heat has affected me so much that all I can think about writing is how to survive a heatwave – smile!Β This leads to the question – Β what is the definition of Β a heatwave?

A heatwave is when there are unusually high temperatures for a region for a longer period of time. Funny enough, there is no universal definition in terms of β€œhow high.” To be considered a heatwave, the temperatures have to be outside the historical averages for a givenΒ area.

Not so fun fact: In recent years, excessive heat has caused more deaths than all other weather events, including floods. So it really is time to take heatwave survival tips seriously.

Keep reading for “The Best Tips for Surviving a Heatwave”.


The Best Tips for Surviving a Heatwave

  1. Drink more water

Staying hydrated certainly helps your body cope with the heat. During hot days this means drinking water even when you don’t feel thirsty. It also helps your inner body maintain a healthy temperature.

2. Air your bedroom before going to sleep

Open all windows wide at least an hour before going to sleep to let the room cool down as much as possible with the evening air.

3. Wash arms and feet with cold water before you sleep

This gives the body a wonderful cool feeling and will help you fall asleep on the hottest of days.

4. Escape in air-conditioned shops

When there are several days of extra hot weather after one another it really does feel good to spend a couple of hours in a larger department store. Choose one with a cafe so you don’t end up buying too much instead – smile.

5. Swimming

Going for a swim in cooler water helps bring your core body temperature down with a longer lasting effect.


6. Wear loose fitting clothing

Loose fitting clothing is great for letting air circulate as you walk. I love wearing super thin long sleeved blouses – my favourites being from FratelliM.

7. Keep moving

We often just feel like hiding at home when it gets too hot. However continuing to go for your daily walk will help your body adapt to the heat. You will feel better in the long term.

At the same time I wouldn’t recommend any high impact exercise outside during a heatwave.

8. Carry an old fashioned fan in your handbag.

This might seem silly but it could be just the thing that saves you if you find yourself somewhere without any breeze and super hot temperatures.

9. Keep curtains closed for sun facing windows

If you have rooms where the sun comes streaming in at the morning or afternoon it is a good idea to close shutters or curtains during that time to make sure your rooms don’t unnecessarily over heat.

10. Eat foods with a higher water content

Berries, cucumber and watermelon are particularly good things to eat on super hot days. Avoid heavy carb meals. Spicy foods are also said to be good during a heatwave.


Todays Outfit:

Bikini – Etam, available online here

Top – Etam available online here – there are also matching shorts.

GlassesMarcus Marienfeld 100% handmade in Switzerland

Shortssimilar available here



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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

1 Comment
  1. Hi dear Yvonne thank you for your blog the hot weather sound this year really extreme and it is always kind of a dilemma then with the heat you can’t do to much to stay comfortable but you are so right when you have a very sunny house to pull the curtains very early so that the house stays gets not to hot or go swimming in a lake and stay when possible so long in the water until you start that you get cold that will stay with you for a while thank you again

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